Job Coaching = B.S.

Dane is almost 20 and back in February we started an art business for him.  I had bit off more than I could chew so I decided to talk with our local regional center about job coaching.  I was told he qualifies for an internship program and vocational skills training. 

Dane and I went to our intake appointment at the social vocational services center. I was told that he would learn skills at his internship that would carry over to his art business.  I was like hmmm… okay.  Our 3 options were:

Carson Chamber of Commerce, Habitat for Humanity, or the Torrance Courthouse.

Dane had already volunteered at Habitat before, so we chose the Carson Chamber of Commerce. We were told he would be invoicing local businesses, answering phones and other administrative tasks.

We went to the Carson Chamber to check it out. Not impressed. First off the doors are locked & you have to knock and be let in. The area is not safe enough for the doors to just be open? Second, to use the bathroom you have to obtain a key, go down a long dark hallway and go outside into the aforementioned neighborhood that’s not safe enough to keep the front doors open to access a locked bathroom? Not safe. I don’t mean to be an asshole by why can’t we have fucking job skill training on my side of town?

Also, the skills he’s supposed to learn include sorting fucking business cards..? We stood there and watched 2 “people with potential” sorting business cards! This is training? This is meaningful? To who? How?

Needless to say, Dane will NOT be going to go to the Chamber to sort business cards.

I want job training for him to learn how to market his art. Entrepreneurial-style training so he can feel accomplished based on his skills and his abilities. Income and expense training so he can balance his budget. I just called an attorney and am going to figure out how to fight for meaningful job coaching in our town!

Why isn’t my Chamber doing this for kids in our community? Why is this employment gap not being filled in the communities where the kids actually live?  Are there not any other disabled kids here needing employment or skill training so they can then get a job in their community?  I am furious!